Crafting a Magnetic “About Section” on LinkedIn!

Crafting a Magnetic "About Section" on LinkedIn!

Hello once again, and welcome to this week’s edition of my newsletter about the About section of LinkedIn!

This newsletter comes packed with hands-on practical and actionable knowledge about how to build your personal brand, how to master LinkedIn and how to make money using those two!

In last week’s newsletter, I explained the importance of building a solid personal brand. I also explained how to do that using a professional magnetic LinkedIn profile. I uncovered what I call the “Triangle of first impressions.”

Today I am sharing practical tips about how to write the most important section on your LinkedIn profile, which is the “About Section”.

About Your “About Section”

A compelling story that highlights your personality, passion, and unique qualities. It explains why you’re passionate about your work and what sets you apart.
You can also ingest the keywords that you like to be found for!
Keep the about section concise and engaging. Let your enthusiasm and expertise shine through.

Talk to Your Audience

Yes, you should talk about yourself, but remember that you are talking to your target audience. You are telling the story of your professional journey. This means you can tell them the story of your education, career journey, and how you accumulated the experience you have today.

Show them how your expertise is different and unique. Make it a human-engaging story. Tell them about your mission, vision and passion.

It is extremely important to write to the first person. I would never say, “Fady Ramzy is a consultant for personal branding,” but I would say, “I am more than happy to help you with your personal branding.” Do you see the difference?

You Got Only 4 Lines & 5 Seconds to Impress

LinkedIn displays only the first 4 lines of the text, and then a link “…see more”. This means that those lines (which we call them the “Hook”) are the most important. If they are not catchy enough people will not read anything further.

about section

In order to have the best hook, start with a statement or a question for your target audience, this will grab their attention. This hook should be relevant and relatable to your audience. Check mine for example. I talk to entrepreneurs and executives, so in the first line of my about section, I tell them how LinkedIn helped me to become an entrepreneur myself, and “they” can do the same!

Remember That LinkedIn is/has a Search Engine

This means that you should make the best use of that. Prepare on an excel/google sheet a list of top keywords that your audience would use when they are searching for similar profile like yours. Use those keywords inside the story of your journey in the about section.

Here also you should focus on the “social proof”. This means like mentioning certificates or honors that you have received, clients’ names, media interviews.

So, remember that you writing here for two eyes: One is for your audience, and for the search engine.

Your Skills and Services

You can now highlight your top skills, so make use of that. Also towards the end of your story, you should mention clearly your (or your company’s) services in a structured clear way. Remember also to use the most relevant keywords here.

Keep in mind also the goal is to position yourself as the trust-worthy advisor and expert in your field. Your audience should see a different value that you are offering which makes you stand out of the crowd!

Finally, The Call-to-Action

When people read the about section, what they want them to do next? What is the easiest way they can contact you? You can mention several ways to get in touch with you.

If you do not include a CTA you might lose a very valuable opportunity. People scan through profiles, so your “About section & CTA” is what would provoke them towards you.

about section

Today’s Action Step

Go through the five points above and do the following:

  1. Build a list of keywords that describe you and at the same time your target audience would use to search for profiles like yours.
  2. Build a draft of your story and journey.
  3. Add your experience, skills and social proof.
  4. Add those keywords into the draft.
  5. Revise and optimize.
  6. Craft a good hook

Congratulations! Your About Section is ready for the world!

Finally, Here Are Two Immediate Ways I Can Help You Today.

1️⃣ If you want to learn more about personal branding, here is a quick online course to put you on the right track quickly.

2️⃣ Do you want to start making money on LinkedIn? Here is my “LinkedIn Influence and Income” online consultancy program. Book your slot here to tailor this program for you!