Fady Ramzy Can helping you to boost your personal brand and business online - LinkedIn Influence Accelerator Course

LinkedIn for Business Boosting: The 3 Essential Steps!

With LinkedIn in your pocket, aka over 930 million people, there are many ways to boost your personal brand! This will help you to build a robust network and grow your business.

Last week, my good friend Victor Iyanuoluwa, a LinkedIn growth Strategist, and I held an engaging live audio discussion. We talked about using the platform as a business growth tool!

How?  It’s all about finding a growth strategy tailored to your personal brand. While it is important to remember that growing your presence on LinkedIn takes time and effort…

✅ Be consistent, ✅ Be authentic and ✅ Be patient

…And you will see results.

Without further ado, here are some of the highlights & steps on how to get started 👇🏼

1️⃣ Ask Yourself Why You’re Here

This is the beginning of mindfully positioning your brand on LinkedIn.

Before even creating a profile and posting, you have to ask yourself why you are on LinkedIn, what you are looking for, and what your purpose and goals are.

Orient your mindset to suit a more positive growth outlook; that you are here to grow, develop to become a better person, learn, and to support others. This is the mindset for a personal brand that does business in the right way!

2️⃣ Creating Your Profile

LinkedIn is not a social networking platform, and thinking about it that way would be underestimating its power.

As a career and business-boosting platform, your profile is key. Hence, the first thing to do is create and optimize your profile.

👉🏼 Place a professional profile picture.

👉🏼 Design a banner (aka billboard) showing who you are and what you do for the eyes of your specific target audience.

👉🏼 Create a captivating headline. It should clearly mention which problem you can solve, for your specific target audience (not your job title).

👉🏼 Write a compelling and concise “About Me” section showing your personality, again, the eyes of your specific target audience. Start with a hook sentence, highlighting the challenge that you solve!

👉🏼 Update your experience, education, projects, skills etc.. so that people can have a reference on who you are.

👉🏼 Add relevant keywords to your headline. Do the same for the About section and Experience section for better search optimization.

NB: Did you notice I repeated repeatedly that “your profile should be talking to a specific target audience”? This is crucial to build your personal brand effectively

3️⃣ The Gold Mine of the Featured Section

When you enable the “Creator mode” on Linkedin, you get the interesting option of huge visual board, “The Featured section”. This featured section is a great spot to highlight professional achievements with relevant links.

Some of the things you can put include:

✨ Recent projects and accomplishments.

✨ Articles or blog posts you’ve written.

✨ Any media coverage you have been featured in.

✨ Awards or certificates.

✨ Work that is dear to your heart & relevant to your expertise.

📣 If you don’t have any articles or blog posts, that’s fine. Part of growing your LinkedIn account is curating content, and this is stuff that can end up in your featured section. For example, a monthly newsletter 📰.


LinkedIn is a goldmine for opportunities. Investing the right amount of time and effort, along with a solid plan will open up new frontiers!

What can stop you from boosting your personal brand on Linkedin today??

Finally, Here Are Two Immediate Ways I Can Help You Today

1️⃣ If you want to learn more about personal branding, here is a quick online course to put you on the right track quickly.

2️⃣ Do you want to start making money on Linkedin? Here is my “LinkedIn Influence and Income” online consultancy program. Book your slot here to tailor this program for you!