Is LinkedIn Worth It? Yes, here are 9 Tips to Start Today
Here is how to start now on LinkedIn

Have you ever wondered is personal branding on LinkedIn worth it? This is for you.
Your Personal Brand: Whether You work on it or not, it already Exists
It’s how others perceive you when you’re not in the room. It is a powerful asset that many underestimate. Ignoring it might lead to perceptions that don’t align with your desired image. But by proactively managing your personal brand, you can present yourself authentically. Also, achieve the visibility you deserve. This is where LinkedIn comes in.
But What Makes LinkedIn Worth It?
Unlike platforms like TikTok or Instagram, LinkedIn is specifically designed for professional networking.
LinkedIn generally has less “noise” than other social media platforms. There are fewer distractions like viral trends, arguments, or irrelevant content.
LinkedIn provides a 24/7 platform for professional interactions. It is like being in an always-on networking global event!
Getting Started on LinkedIn?
Prioritize building a strong profile, the foundation of your online presence. Utilize all the available features LinkedIn provides. To showcase your skills, experience, and interests. Once your profile is solid, engage in meaningful conversations with others.
1️⃣LinkedIn ≠ Copy of CV
Many people treat their LinkedIn profiles as replicas of their CVs. Failing to leverage the platform’s unique features. LinkedIn provides you with an opportunity to humanize your professional brand. You can showcase your personality, values, or volunteer work. All of which makes your engaging & authentic profile on LinkedIn worth it! Create an “audience-centric” profile that talks to them more than it talks about “you”!
2️⃣Don’t Overthink It!
People often overthink LinkedIn posts. Striving for perfection out of fear of damaging their professional brand.
The solution? Imagine yourself in a real-life professional setting. Would you say the same thing in person? If not, it’s probably not suitable for LinkedIn.
The reality is that most LinkedIn posts get lost in the constant stream of content. Overthinking every detail is unnecessary, as most posts won’t have widespread reach.
Remember that LinkedIn allows for easy corrections. Mitigating the risk of posting something with minor errors.
Relax, be yourself (within professional boundaries), & don’t be afraid to engage.
3️⃣LinkedIn Content: What to Share
What types of posts do you find yourself stopping to read and engage with? Aim to create content that resonates with others in the same way.
Share your journey: your “origin story” can be incredibly valuable and relatable to others. Use this storytelling process to create effective content.
Share your learning: insights from your studies, industry observations, and any other learning experiences. This shows your curiosity and engagement with your field. You can do that in different ways!
I’m a Student/ Fresh Graduate. Is Posting on LinkedIn worth it? early-career individuals can share their career goals and insights from their academic journey, even without extensive professional experience. You can share what you learned from books you read, youtube videos you watched, podcasts that you enjoyed, and so on!
4️⃣To Connect or Not Connect: Navigating LinkedIn Connections
Carefully choose who you connect with. Make conversations on LinkedIn worth it. Usually with those who share your professional interests and goals.
Profile Vetting: Scrutinize for authenticity and credibility. Be wary of automated connections and suspicious profiles.
Reciprocal Value: Can you offer value to them, and vice versa?
Engaging in Conversations: Group discussions, commenting on posts, and direct conversations help build rapport.
5️⃣Balancing AI & Human Authenticity
AI tools can be valuable for tasks like editing videos. However, they should never replace genuine human interaction.
⚠️The increasing prevalence of AI-generated content and interactions creates an AI-to-AI echo chamber. It diminishes the human element that makes LinkedIn worth it.
Use tools but don’t be a tool! You cannot automate relationships.
6️⃣Balancing Personal and Business Pages on LinkedIn
Personal Profiles offer greater reach and engagement and build relationships.
Company Pages have limited reach, but they are effective for hiring. They showcase company culture, establish credibility, and provide a hub for business information.
The complementary nature of personal profiles and business pages makes LinkedIn worth it.
7️⃣LinkedIn Messaging
Avoid automated sales pitches, they are highly ineffective and are perceived negatively.
Begin with authentic interactions, such as commenting on their posts or engaging in group discussions.
Use voice notes! They foster more human conversations and can naturally transition to phone calls or in-person meetings. This adds value to professional relationships.
8️⃣”Paid vs. Free” LinkedIn
Is paying for LinkedIn worth it? It heavily depends on your needs and usage.
Before paying, explore and utilize the free features to their full potential.
If paid features (i.e. sales navigator or LinkedIn Learning) can help you achieve your goals. They might be worth the investment. Try out the one month free period to evaluate how useful is it to you!
Like a gym membership, if you have a use for the paid features, you will see results.
Plus, you can always use the free trial and decide for yourself!
9️⃣Newsletters on LinkedIn
Newsletters allow for in-depth content sharing compared to regular posts. LinkedIn actively promotes newsletters. Automatically inviting users to subscribe to those of their connections. LinkedIn’s high domain authority improves the article’s search engine ranking.
Finally, do you want to build an effective personal brand today?
The “LinkedIn Influence Accelerator” is my course for founders who want to create an effective personal brand that generates opportunities!
Before the course, here is a free quiz to Discover The Power of Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn in less than two minutes! Get your score here.
This blog is based on the audio event with Beth Granger. Beth is a consultant and speaker who helps professionals to move from confused to confident.