Fady Ramzy Can helping you to boost your personal brand and business online - LinkedIn Influence Accelerator Course

Unleash the Power of LinkedIn Live Audio with 5 Action-Packed Benefits

Unleash the Power of LinkedIn Live Audio with 5 Action-Packed Benefits

In the digital era, connecting with your audience in real-time has never been more crucial for building relations that empower your business growth. LinkedIn Live Audio events offer an unparalleled opportunity to engage, influence, and grow your network. In this post, we’ll explore five key benefits of leveraging LinkedIn Live Audio events, from their simplicity to their power in lead generation.

1️⃣ Effortless Setup: A Time-Saver

Setting up a LinkedIn Live Audio event is a breeze. All you have to do on Linkedin is to click “New post,” -> choose events, -> then “Event type: Live” and “Event format: Linkedin Live Audio event.” Next, add a catchy cover image and the event’s title, description, and timing. In less than a minute, you’re ready to go live! Unlike the more complex setup required for LinkedIn Live Video, the audio format is refreshingly straightforward.

Unleash the Power of LinkedIn Live Audio with 5 Action-Packed Benefits

2️⃣ Seamless Management: Host with Ease

Managing your event is just as effortless. You’ll find the “Join” button on the event page minutes before going live. As the organizer, you have the option to test everything beforehand. Once you “Go live,” LinkedIn notifies your network, drawing in your audience. Personalize the experience by greeting each attendee and setting a welcoming and engaging tone right from the start.

3️⃣ Interactive & Engaging: Connect Directly

You can always invite people to raise their hands, and you (as the host) can bring them on stage. Accordingly, they can share their thoughts, opinions, or questions with you! You get to listen to their voice and have a “conversation” with them. If you are hosting a guest or more with you, the conversation gets much more interactive and deep! This is massively interesting. You can not do this on the LinkedIn Live video!

4️⃣ Authentic Authority Building: Your “Voice” Matters

Besides other content formats, live audio is the only format where your tribe can “listen” to your tone of voice! They can “talk” to you, debate your thoughts, ask you, and learn from you directly & instantly. This is extremely genuine and authentic! Remember: Humans relate to humans; that’s why your “Voice” is genuine!

5️⃣ Powerful Lead Generation: Turn Conversations into Connections

You’ll get direct messages from the attendees based on the quality of content you shared in your live event. They will be seeking your help, advice, and services. On another note, it is the best practice always to thank everyone who attended your live audio event (as much as possible). It shows your gratitude and also initiates conversations. This is where you understand your audience’s needs. This is where you can offer help through your products and services! This is precisely what I call the 3Cs concept for growing your business!

NB: The option of Live audio events is my top “lead generating” tool over Linkedin! Go try it out!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to harness the power of LinkedIn Live Audio events. Start today and watch your business connections and opportunities soar. Remember, the key to a successful LinkedIn Live Audio event lies in authenticity, engagement, and follow-up. Embrace this tool and make it a cornerstone of your digital strategy for unparalleled business growth.

Finally, There Are Three Ways I Can Help You Today.

1️⃣ If you want to build your personal brand & grow your business, subscribe to my newsletter below to get a weekly guide in your inbox!

2️⃣ Excited to learn more about boosting your career by building your personal brand on Linkedin? This course is what you need.

3️⃣ Do you want to turn Linkedin into a money-making machine today? My “Linkedin Influence and Income in 30 Days” online consultancy program is here! Book your slot here to tailor this program for you!