5 tips for resilient personal branding in today’s AI Age

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In the age of AI, many tasks are now effectively done by machines. Hence, resilient personal branding is becoming increasingly essential!

For most of us, AI presents a job refinement period. Instead of being afraid, focus on navigating this not to survive but to thrive.

If you focus on resilient personal branding, you will find a way to adapt to industry changes.

Your step-by-step guide for resilient personal branding

1. Self-assessment

Reflect on your skills, core competencies, and deficiencies.

Some people get very enthusiastic and rush to use AI tools. But that’s putting the cart in front of the horse. Self-assessment comes before that. Focus on your inner-self first!

2. Research a Growing AI Sector

In which sectors in your field is AI growing more? how are these sectors using AI?

You might want to consider your sector or focus on a part of your sector where AI is dominating.

Think about how you can align your current competencies with AI technology. One way is to use AI to create systematic ways to eliminate mundane tasks. Then, you can focus more on others, requiring emotions & creativity.

3. Expanding your Network

Reach out to people currently working in AI fields or others who are creating new AI tools. Go to AI-related events and meet with people or ask your friends if there is anyone around them interested in AI.

You need to be persistent and creative when reaching out to people. Do not just send your CV and say you’re looking for a job in AI. You need to show your value and knowledge. Be magnetic to your network!

4. Focusing on Soft Skills

Many people think that AI can do anything, so they don’t need to enhance their soft skills.

Wrong. Even if AI is created, we must evaluate and decide how to use this tool.

Soft skills are crucial now more than ever. Emotional intelligence, communication skills, problem-solving, critical reasoning, and analytical thinking.

Yes, machines are going to serve us, but that means our human skills need to shine even more.

5. Start Creating Something

Creating something is going to contribute to our visibility.

Visibility is not just for freelancers or business owners. It is for everyone in this digital world.

Many recruiters look at LinkedIn profiles and how active they are once they want to hire someone.

Resilient personal branding in the age of AI is when you use your soft skills more. You interact with people & focus on your personal skills. You are more assertive, and more collaborative than ever.

You need visibility if you want to:

  • Sell your ideas

  • Attract investors

  • Be seen as a leader

  • Be a board member

  • Climb the corporate ladder

Visibility builds trust, along with solid relationships and well-crafted personal branding. By being visible and consistently nurturing trust online and offline, you open doors to both expected and unexpected opportunities, “The Unknown Unknowns.”

Bonus tip: Consistent Personal Branding opens doors!

Personal branding is a consistent effort, not a one-time action. The more you invest in it, the more doors it will open. So, it’s an ongoing investment, but one that reaps significant rewards that are worth the time and effort.

Be ware of the cost of not working consistently on your personal brand. The less you show up, the less you create bonds with other people on an emotional level. You become less approachable.

Daily Habits to Boost Personal Branding in the Age of AI

  • Dedicate 5-10 minutes to learn about AI in your field. Assuming you know something without checking can be like lying to yourself. It keeps you stuck in your comfort zone.

  • Become an observer of yourself. How you behave and what is the emotion you’re leaving on people.

  • Think about your personal branding. When you’re in the office, engage with your stakeholders. Such small check-ins during the day will increase your awareness. You will see the benefits over time.

Imagine the compounding effect of doing these consistently for a year!

Do it For Yourself

Take the initiative and push yourself, even if it won’t have an immediate external outcome like a promotion. Focus on the inner rewards. You can change jobs, but your personal branding and what you learn are always going to stay with you. The company and organizations are just milestones.

Resilient personal branding at the age of AI


  • High-level Strategy for a Resilient Personal Branding:

  • 1. Self-assessment

  • 2. Researching the growing AI sector

  • 3. Expanding your network

  • 4. Focusing on soft skills

  • 5. Start creating something

  • Bonus: Consistent personal branding is an ongoing process of reflection and learning.

This article is based on the LinkedIn audio event with UAE’s executive coach, Bahar Salman.

Finally, do you want to step ahead?

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